PROTEST ART vs Fascism

..we cover TX ART, TX history, protest art and the battle against fascism both in the United States and abroad..disjointed. incongruous. Leaping from theme to theme. Enjoy.

PROTEST ART vs Fascism :
Democracy is about breaking down cultural barriers without breaking cultures

It’s plurality in motion.  To solve our COLLECTIVE problems

Same road. Different car.

Two Minute Take: The third anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of …YouTube · George W. Bush Presidential Center

Big rotten apple: Escape from NY 1981 [commentary]

the Duke of NY: his Cadillac, a symbol of fascism rolling with the homies

In Texas, Dulé Hill connects with an Aztec dancer, blind painter and Latino theater director, each breaking down cultural barriers and becoming leaders for the next generation. [Breaking down cultural barriers]

The creation of large sports and entertainment facilities. The creation of massive art and music distributors and corporate media. The creation of the radio, TV, internet, and satellite. The creation of Democratic systems.

These are the evolution of plurality. Democratic evolution. Humanity voting in an attempt to free itself

Robert Jenkins Onderdonk: the fall of the Alamo

Texas is a cradle of liberty. Though more recently diminished because of unfortunate corporate alliances with truly dubious world figures, Texas still holds its place in history as the last stand of the Alamo. Here, we take our allegiance seriously: though the modern contradiction of technofeudalism aims to exploit the very spiritual resource that made our once great state the proud envy of the world. We explore the art that expresses our present discontent.

Illustrious Al Green CURRENT STYLE [ai art transfer]The Great Wave Off Kanagawa : Katsushika Hokusai, between 1826 and 1833

Protest art is the creative works produced by activists and social movements. It is a traditional means of communication, utilized by a cross section of collectives and the state to inform and persuade citizens.[1] Protest art helps arouse base emotions in their audiences, and in return may increase the climate of tension and create new opportunities to dissent. Since art, unlike other forms of dissent, takes few financial resources, less financially able groups and parties can rely more on performance art and street art as an affordable tactic.[1]

Much of the protest art today is aimed at fascists ideology

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-rightauthoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracymilitarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Artist vs fascism in history.

same road, different car

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